In this guide, we will show you exactly which countries are restricted and banned from using Bitget.
Bitget is a popular derivatives exchange with millions of users. However, some countries and areas are not supported on the platform.
Some countries restricted on Bitget include the United States, Singapore, and more.
Read on to learn more about Bitget restrictions and limitations.
Free Bitget Country Checker
Wondering if your country is restricted or supported on Bitget? Use our free Bitget country checker below to find out. Simply type in your country name (in English) and see if you can use the crypto exchange!
Bitget Restricted Countries
Below, you will find a list of Bitget-restricted countries as of 2025, according to the official Bitget staff.
- Canada (Alberta),
- United States,
- Crimea,
- Cuba,
- Hong Kong,
- Iran,
- North Korea,
- Singapore,
- Sudan,
- Syria,
- Iraq,
- Libya,
- Yemen,
- Afghanistan,
- Central African Rep,
- Congo,
- the Democratic Republic,
- Guinea,
- Bissau,
- Haiti,
- Lebanon,
- Somalia,
- South Sudan
- Netherlands
Is Bitget Regulated & Licensed?
Bitget is a popular crypto exchange with over 15 million registered users and a daily trading volume reaching over $15 billion. Currently, Bitget is located in Seychelles. Additionally, Bitget has offices in Singapore and Dubai. Bitget is not regulated.
Does Bitget Require KYC?
Yes, Bitget requires KYC verification. Without verifying your identity, you can not use Bitget at all.
In order to verify your identity on Bitget, you must submit the following details:
- ID, Passport or Drivers License
- Proof of address (Bank statement or Utility Bill)
- Facial Recognition (Selfie)
After you have successfully completed the Bitget KYC verification process, you will have full access to the crypto exchange.
Is Bitget available in the United States?
No, Bitget is not available in the United States. If you are a US citizen, you can’t use Bitget at all. Bitget requires KYC, so you can’t even register with a VPN.
Because the United States is restricted from using Bitget, US crypto traders should consider top Bitget alternatives such as Kraken or Coinbase.
Is Bitget available in Canada?
No, Bitget is not available in Canada. Unfortunately, Bitget has restricted Canadians from using their platform. This is mainly due to Canada’s anti-crypto laws and regulatory uncertainty.
Canadian users can use alternative crypto exchanges such as Bitget or Coinbase.
Is Bitget available in the United Kingdom?
Bitget is available in the United Kingdom. UK citizens are not restricted from using Bitget derivatives trading, meaning they can trade crypto futures with leverage.
If you are from the UK and are seeking an alternative crypto futures exchange with leverage, we recommend you look into BingX.
Can I Use Bitget with a VPN?
Yes, Bitget can be used with a VPN. However, you can only use a VPN if you are a citizen of a Bitget-supported country. If you are a citizen in one of Bitget’s restricted jurisdictions, you can not use the exchange, even with a VPN.
Users from restricted countries can not verify their identity on Bitget and, therefore, cannot use any of its services.